Family Time

Enjoying some family time at the farm.  We are staying safe and healthy, and have a lot to be thankful for!  We’ve welcomed our third grandchild, Alayna Marie, into our hearts and into the home of our daughter Rebecca and her husband Evan. 

By the way, it’s Evan’s dad, Gene, who is the farmer we get our pigs from.  Gene was born and raised in Illinois and has farming in his blood!  We love his Berkshire pigs and the great pork they produce!  It’s nice to support local, and nice to support extended family!

Pork Available – Butchering Soon!!

Pork Available!  Unexpectedly, we have a pig not yet spoken for.  Our pigs that we’ve raised since the spring are ready for butchering and we have 1 pig not yet sold!  If anyone is interested in some fabulous pork, give us a call at 860-670-0495 or email

It’s hard to believe it’s butchering time again.  We have 6 pigs (and I mean PIGS) going off to the butcher later today.  We will have another load of 6 going next week.  These pigs are very large!  It will be interesting to see what the actual weight is.  We are guessing between 275-300 lbs!  Hard to believe they were only about 20 lbs when we got them in the Spring.  They just love to eat, and have eaten all summer.  My favorite part is to see them devour the fresh fruits and vegetables we get from the local market.  Johnny Appleseed in Ellington is generous to allow us to have their daily “leftovers”.  We and the pigs are happy about that.

After butchering, the hams, bacon and some sausage will be taken to the smokehouse. We use The Butchery in East Windsor.  Greg has done a great job for us every year, and we anticipate this year to be no exception.  We will soon be enjoying some great bacon, along with other cuts of pork.  The pork is going to be available for customer pick up around the middle of October.


Premium Burger

We are partnering with a local farm here in Ellington and are offering 40lb boxes of premium ground beef.  This beef comes individually wrapped in 1 lb packages and tastes amazing!

An important note, this is NOT grass fed.  We are experiencing a high demand for beef right now, and our small family farm is not able to meet the demand.  Hence, we our partnering with a trusted local farm for some premium burger.  We’ve enjoyed this burger with our family and find it delicious. 

It’s grilling season, and we’ve got the beef!  Let us know if you are interested in one of these 40lb boxes.  We expect to have a steady supply for the rest of the summer and into the fall.  Email us at or give Steve a call at 860-670-0495 to put your name on a box of beef!  

Summer on the Farm

Summer on the farm is a busy time.  Especially the summer of 2020!  Our grass fed beef are grazing the fields and we are constantly hoping and praying for rain!  So far, our fields have maintained and the beef are eating lush rich grass.  We plan to cut hay this Friday and Saturday.  Our annual goal is 120 round bales to keep these beef fed on our own hay all winter long.  We are about at 70% of our goal!

The pigs are growing like crazy and we are now feeding them fruits and vegetables daily from a local market.  Their favorites are tomatoes and peaches.  But also love to eat peppers, lettuce, cucumbers and other soft fruits and veges.  They arrived at the farm at about 18 – 20 lbs and now are pushing 150 – 175 lbs.  

Burger – 2 boxes available

We have 2 boxes of all burger still available!  We were able to get more burger than we anticipated and now have two additional boxes for sale.  There are 40 packages of 1lb individually shrink wrapped ground beef per box.  With Memorial Day upon us, its a great time to get out the grill and enjoy some juicy burgers.

This burger is from a local farm that we partnered with, to provide some fresh, high quality burger to our customers.  It is not from grass fed only, beef.

Give us a call at 860-670-0495 or email us at if you are interested in purchasing some of this burger.


Burger – Sold Out

At this time, we are sold out of grass fed beef and burger.  Our next available butchering for grass fed beef is Spring, 2021.  Our ground beef is sold out for the time being.  We are trying to get additional butchering slots in at our local butcher and he too, is busier than ever.  This pandemic has put its mark on all of us!  As soon as we have more ground beef available, we will let you know by an updated post.  

We hope each of you stay safe and healthy!

Pork Available – Mid June

We want to let you all know that we have pork available by the half or whole pig.  

We are partnering with a family farm in Illinois who raises hogs, or pigs, as we know them here in Connecticut.  We are ordering 15 whole pigs that are available for purchase, first come, first served.  This pork can be purchased either by half a pig, or whole.  The hanging weight is approximately 200 lbs per pig. 

The price for a half pig is $410.00 and a whole pig is $820.  We expect this pork to be available mid-June.

The cuts are:

Smoked:           Hams – 2 hams per half, Ham steaks, Bacon

Fresh:                Chops, Roasts, Tenderloin & Ground pork

If you are interested, please respond to this email confirming what you would like to purchase, half or whole.  We are asking for a $150 deposit on the pork.  We have an almost overwhelming amount of interest right now, and we need to confirm the orders so we know exactly what we have available for our customers.  Thank you!

Let us know if you have any questions!  Feel free to contact us at


Burger Available

Hello to all of our beef customers!  We hope and pray you and your loved ones are staying safe and healthy!  Our family is doing well, trying to practice social distancing and remembering all the good things in life!

News on the farm … we just got 6 new calves. They have lots of energy and are fun to watch in the fields.    We let all the cows out of the barn and into the pasture last weekend.  They seemed happy to be in the fields and have a much larger place to call “home”!  It’s always a joy to watch them enjoying the lush grass in the fields.  

The other news is our cat, Muffin, recently gave birth to 5 adorable kittens.  We still have 2 left for good homes, if you or anyone you know would like a cuddly kitten.  Maggie, our farm dog, is doing well, just vying for attention due to the new kittens we are all lavishing attention on.

The grass fed beef that we have is sold out for 2020.  Our next butchering is scheduled for February, 2021 and if you would like to be on that list, just send us an email at or call Steve at 860-670-0495.

We have an alternative option for you, if you would be interested in ground beef only.  We have butchered a locally sourced cow, however, it is NOT grass fed only.  It is grain, corn and grass fed.  We have had so many requests from our customers, and our grass fed beef is sold out, so we’ve partnered with a local farm and are selling 40lb boxes of all burger.  If this something you are interested, let me know.  


Pork and Beef

Pork and Beef

Our pigs have been growing like crazy!  They continue to enjoy fresh fruits and vegetables that we get right here in Ellington from a local market.  Tomatoes, peaches, squash, beans, peppers and assorted other fruits and veges keep them happy!  They love to eat – I guess that’s why we call them pigs!  At this stage, they are eating all the time and pushing 200 lbs per pig!  Butchering will be at the end of the month so get your freezers ready for some delicious pork.

The last beef butchering for Sunset Valley Farms 2019, will be taking place at the end of September.  The beefers have enjoyed fresh, lush grass all summer long.  We move them from pen to pen about every week to 10 days.  The hay we’ve cut this summer is wrapped and waiting for the winter months.  Send us a text or email if you’re interested in getting on the list from some healthy, lean and delicious beef!


Fall at the Farm

We just finished our 3rd hay cutting for this summer. Check out our gallery for some new pictures!  We got 64 round bales this cutting, which will we be added to the growing pile we have for winter feed for the steers.  A local farmer will be taking the 4th cutting, as we have as many bales as we need to feed them through the winter.

Piglets Are Growing!

Our piglets are growing very fast!  We have added fruits and vegetables to their diet.  The local produce market, Johnny Appleseeds, willingly offers us their leftover fruits and vegetables.  These pigs are happy pigs!  Their favorites are tomatoes and peaches.  Not so crazy about the zucchini and summer squash! 🙂

Meet Merigold and Petunia

Merigold and Petunia are mother and grandmother sows to our piglets soon to arrive!  Petunia is due to farrow April 18, and Merigold on May 7.  We are anticipating piglets from Petunia this year.  She is a great momma, who LOVES to eat!  These mommas can have anywhere from 10 – 14 piglets per litter.  Momma does not lick them off.  They find their spot at the table on their own and after a day or two that is established, and they always go back to the same spot! 

At about 2 weeks they get started on some dry feed, while continuing to nurse.  They are weaned at about 4 weeks. Shortly after they start running around, they begin digging in the dirt and wrestling with each other – very entertaining to watch!   Each piglet weighs about 3 – 5 pounds at birth and gains weight rapidly – weighing about 18 pounds when get them at 4 weeks old!  

Let us know if you are interested in purchasing a half or whole pig.  We expect to be butchering at the end of October this year.  The cuts are pork chops, shoulder roast, picnic roast, loin, ham steaks, ham, bacon and for a small up-charge, sausage.  Ham, bacon and sausage are smoked and made here in East Windsor at The Butchery.    


Think Spring – piglets are coming soon!

We will be purchasing our piglets mid-April this year.  April 1st is less than 4 weeks away!  It’s always exciting to be thinking spring … and thinking piglets.

They are so cute when they first arrive.  Running around their pen trying to learn about their new home at Sunset Valley Farms, here on the Ellington / Broad Brook line.  We have been serving customers in Connecticut and Massachusetts for the past 6 years.  We’ve had customers from New Haven, Wallingford, Vernon, Tolland, Somers, Plantsville, New London and Boston to name a few.

We take orders for our piglets.  So we only purchase as many as we know will be selling in the fall.  They take about 6 – 7 months to grow into about 200 pound pigs! WOW  They sure get big and are probably not quite as cute as they were at 4 weeks old!  Let us know if you are interested in any pork this year.  We sell by the half and whole pig.

Our piglets will feed on grain, and we supplement with fruits and vegetables all season long.  They love almost all fruits and vegetables and get excited when they see us coming with a bucket full!   We know what they eat every day!  Enjoy some fresh, local pork. 

Piglets for Sale CT

Butchering in April or May

We are coming to the end of winter here at the farm.  Yea!  We are excited to kick of the spring season with a butchering … to provide you with some great burger and steaks for grilling.  

Contact us if you are interested in signing up for a quarter of beef from this next butchering.   A quarter of beef is about 3 or 4 banana boxes of burger, steaks, roasts and some miscellaneous cuts like stew meat and kabobs.  Of course, that includes a box of bones if you would like them.  Check out our latest recipe for Bone Broth and enjoy the multitude of health benefits that you will have!

If a quarter is too much, we’ve recently been finding that a 1/3 (third) of a quarter is very popular.  It averages between 30 – 50 pounds of meat.  The price for a third is based on actual weight and is $6.95 per pound.  Don’t hesitate to give us a call and let us know if you are interested.  You can reach us at 860-670-0495.

Spreading …

Another fall chore before winter sets in, spreading manure.

Fall at the Farm

Fall has arrived at Sunset Valley Farms here in Ellington. With fall comes some chores! Last week we did our third hay cutting, which we are selling to a farmer friend of ours from Pleasant View Farms in Somers. They will be coming here this week to bale the hay in square bales. Because of our abundant rain and wonderful weather this spring and summer, we were able to make enough round bales for our grass fed beef for the entire winter. We are thankful for our abundant blessings! We wish each of you a happy, healthy fall!

The Piglets Have Arrived!

The Piglets Have Arrived!

We have been anticipating getting our piglets this year.   The piglets stayed at the farm with the sow until they were 6 weeks old,  We brought them home this week!  They were bred and born here in Ellington and are a Berkshire / Tamworth cross piglet.  We will be raising and feeding them for the next 6 months, until we butcher in November.  We will be feeding them grain and fruits and vegetables from a nearby market.



Garlic Tomatoes

Garlic Tomatoes

What could be more delicious than grass-fed burger with garlic roasted tomatoes? We got the tomato recipe from attending a evening cooking class at FIG Cooking School in Hamden, CT.  What a great evening that was! The cooking class is a great bonding opportunity with family or friends.  The foods you get to enjoy are amazing!  See the recipe below for the tomatoes!


Roasted Tomatoes with Stilton

  • Ingredients:
  • 18 medium Plum Tomatoes (about 3 1/2 pounds)
  • 3/4 teaspoon Ground Black Pepper
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons Fine Kosher Salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon dried or 1 – 2 teaspoons fresh Rosemary (optional – I leave that one out :))
  • 1/2 cup Olive or Canola oil
  • 6 large Garlic Cloves, minced or finely chopped
  • 1  4-ounce package Stilton Cheese, crumbled (Blue cheese or gorganzola works too)
  1. Cut the tomatoes lengthwise in half, and remove seeds and membranes.  Place in a large bowl.
  2. Pour oil and garlic in a food processor or small chopper and blend.
  3. Add pepper, salt and rosemary.  Blend well.
  4. Pour over tomatoes halves and toss to coat.
  5. Let them marinate for 15 minutes.
  6. Preheat oven to 350°
  7. Line baking sheet with parchment paper. (Easy cleanup!)
  8. Arrange tomatoes halves, cut side up, on baking sheet.
  9. Drizzle any remaining mixture over tomatoes.
  10. Roast until tomatoes are slightly softened and browned on the bottom, about 65 minutes.
  11. Arrange tomatoes on serving platter and sprinkle with crumbled cheese.
  12. Serve warm and Enjoy!

Our Name

Our Name

As is evident to our family many days of the week, you may be wondering where our farm name comes from. We are blessed with beautiful sunsets most nights of the week no matter what season is upon us. Hope you can enjoy them too!